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Thesis Behind the Scenes

In order to bring more people into viewing my portfolio, i'd thought i'd start using the blog feature more. So why not do so by making this the main site for all the behind the scenes work of myThesis project which I announced last week on my Instagram. I will not be posting everything as I would like my thesis to go into festivals. But every other week I'll be updating here with something new. I may post some works on my Instagram and Twitter but everything comes from here. I will be using #MayaThesis as my tag.

To begin, here is a little review on the thought process of the poster. I'm a sucker for poster composition and I wanted to convey one of the main messages of the film. So I definitely had to feature my main character but I wanted to try and feature something iconic of the Maya. Of course, I chose a temple but the composition still felt off balanced. So I went with an "hour glass" comp and added the books by her side. To top it off, I chose the trees and the stars to convey the kind of art style. Lastly for title font, I did the same thing I did when developing the style of characters: I looked to Meso-American art and found inspiration though the "square-cycle."

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